In 2019, Noah C was born with deformities of both lower limbs. On 5 December 2019, Dr. Mohamed L'Kaissi, a visiting orthopaedic surgeon from Reunion island, and Dr. Philippe Soubrane, orthopaedic surgeon based in Mauritius, performed bilateral corrective surgery on Noah's legs at Wellkin/C-Care hospital in Moka, Mauritius. After cutting and reshaping both tibiae, metal pins, known as K-wires, had to be left in place until complete bone healing had taken place.
We are pleased to report that, on 25 January 2022, Dr L'Kaissi returned to Mauritius to complete the surgery by removing the metal pins from Noah's legs. Now, aged 12, Noah can walk normally.
COMMSSA Western Australia was able to finance the full cost of both operations - just over AUD 4,500 for the first operation and AUD 2,480 for the second. Grateful thanks to all our members and sponsors, whose ongoing support enables us to help disadvantaged Mauritian children.
Dr Serge Toussaint